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: new google image search

Check out the new Google Image Search features. You can now filter results by size ( medium, large, icons, exact), type (face, photo, clip art) and predominant color. I saw a mention that this was a "borrow" from Bing. Not really familiar with that, but I have no reason to disbelieve it.

This should make searching for images for design comps a bit easier. Try it out.


: riki tinoza

Seems like I can't escape the subject of Montreal. Came across this photographer on a random search on Flickr. Amazing portraitist. The work is provocative, lush, gorgeous, and bordering on the iconic. Do yourself a favor and visit his site or his Flickr stream.

All images below by Riki Tinoza.


: lagoa multiphysics 1.0


: too many notes


: livebrush

This is actually a lot of fun. Liverbrush, an Adobe Air (cross platform) app, "is a unique motion-based drawing tool. Use the power of motion to toss graphics around the screen or elegantly swing the brush around your cursor." When you are done doing that, export in various formats to use in your work!

I am often frustrated by how hard it is to quickly create free form graphics in something as powerful and comprehensive as Illustrator. Maybe this is a good answer to that.

The video below is okay, but just getting in there and playing around gives you a really good feel for how it works. Let me know what you think if you use it.


: offf 2010 titles

This made me feel like I should have gone to the OFFF festival this year. Its the first time I have missed it in three years.

The titles are always a big reveal at the festival. Past years have relied very heavily on computer generated motion graphics. This year, not so much. Perhaps this signals a sort of official backlash against that style. I am going to keep my eye open for that. Instead the video depends on very clever sequences of splicing the video to create effects/moments. Check it out.

OFFF Paris 2010 Sponsors titles from Julien Vallée on Vimeo.

: firstborn for jetblue

You hear it often, "traditional agencies don't know how to tell brand stories in the digital space". I believe it's not as simple and clear-cut as that. There are too many forms that these stories can now take. Many of them facilitated by what we often call "creative technology". More on that some other time.

For now, traditional agencies could probably learn a couple things from this example of fine work from firstborn for JetBlue. Lots of video, great imagery, and engaging stories from real people that highlight the great features and services of a brand like JetBlue. It doesnt feel forced or contrived, and most importantly for a digital experience, it gives me the control to explore the way I want. I have never flown on JetBlue myself, but after seeing this, I feel like I have, and that it was really enjoyable. Happy flying!


: jess3*

jess3* is a pretty cool full service agency which I believe is in Virgina. Very distinct style, but across a wide range of services such as data visualization, illustration, web design, online product design, print and branding. Prolific!

Below is The Conversation Prism visualization that appeared in Communication Arts.


: section design

Very nice visualization work from Paul Butt at Section Design in England. Hey says he only has 3 years of experience. Wow. I'm impressed. Look out for great things to come I think. See his site here, or check out his flickr examples by clicking on images below.


: shapeshifter

Never heard of this band before (not really my kind of music either), but this site is pretty cool. Created by the New Zealand agency RESN. The onscreen visualizer works against the music tracks to create some pretty wild looking artwork. You can than grab a screen-shot and save it to the gallery, or download to your computer.

Nice use of  "collaborative creativity" and technology to spread the word about the band, and their tour. Go try it!

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