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: mad park


: 99% Conference

I spent the end of last week in NYC at Behance's 99% Conference. The theme as always was Making Ideas Happen. The sessions were very inspriational and empowering to me as a Creative professional. Stay tuned for more in depth musings on the various speakers, subjects, and sessions. 

Also, here are some conference Tweets, and tweeters you may want to check out.

- Great Advice: prototype as if you're right, listen as if you're wrong  RT @: RT @

- "If you're not told you're crazy, you're not thinking big enough. Crazy is a compliment." Linda Rottenberg 

- Loving @' from my session at the  ; we certainly covered a lot!


: isobar bio

At Isobar Boston we have been recreating all of our staff bio portraits into unique illustrations. This is based on a style developed by our team in London. Below are some images that serve as a peak into the whole process.


: andrea joseph sketchbooks

Beautiful illustrations in sketchbook format from Andrea Joseph in the UK. Click on the images to view her Flickr stream.

trying to remember between the lines 47 stuff to follow where you are


: today - Jonathan Harris

I have seen a lot of the 365 photo projects lately. Jonathan, the creator of and other amazing things describes it best in the video below.

"Everyday there would always be something somehow. Things would work out. I wanted to find a way to be more in the moment. To be more in everyday. To understand time more. To understand life more. To have more memories. All of these things. Basically to live more richly as a human life, not just as a work life."


: galeria melissa

Talk about a dynamic retail space. Plastic footwear maker Galeria Melissa's flagship store in Sao Paulo is designed to change every three months. I happened to catch the end of this installation that used thousands of Post Its to create a massive mosaic type mural. Customers were also encouraged to leave their own messages. I especially like the way the storefront becomes a massive stage in which these campaigns can play themselves out to the public. Check out this Google Image search of other installations. 


: Marcin Górski Photography

See Marcin Górski's photos from Portugal including a series on a Fado exposition which the image below advertises. The light he captures is beautiful and dramatic, and yet, it doesn't overpower the delicate moments in time he is sharing with us.


Visit his site at or his blog at


: Brooke Shaden photography

I am always blown away by photographer's work that transports you to another place and into a story. The craftsmanship in these is really quite special. Check out Brook Shaden's flickr stream here, or her website. She also offers workshops you might be interested in looking into .


: waves

The news from Japan had me not surprisingly, thinking about waves. Then I thought about these beautiful and famous prints. There must be a truly unique cultural connection between Japan and the sea. An extemely powerful emotional connection. Even more interesting when you consider these as almost icons of the culture itself. 

These images were sourced from google search.


: sketchbooks

I really enjoy looking at other artist's and designer's sketchbooks. I love the look of them, but maybe its actually a peak into the fact that I am a bit of a process geek. Either way, you should go check out these beautiful sketches at Will Freeborn's Flickr stream. Enjoy.

Looking at a Bridget Riley Buoys and markers Majestic Laundrette